HighProxies.com - Knowledgebase - How to test proxies in Linux command line interface?

How to test proxies in Linux command line interface? Print

  • linux, cli, curl, wget
  • 72

You can easily use our proxies within the Linux CLI using any command-line tool you love.
Below we have collected some instructions on how to use CURL and WGET to send HTTP requests using our proxies.

Before you start, make sure your server IP address is authorized in our system. https://highproxies.com/billing/index.php/knowledgebase/4/How-to-add-my-authorized-IP.html

1. Get the server public IP address by using the following command.
$ curl https://api.ipify.org

2. Under the proxy control panel, make sure that the server's public IP address we got in step 1 above is authenticated to use the proxies.

3. Here are the commands for WGET and curl respectively to issue requests using a proxy.

# http_proxy="" https_proxy="" \
wget https://www.google.com

# curl -x -I https://www.google.com/


(replace with your proxy IP address and 21310 with your proxy port
replace https://www.google.com with the destination website/URL)


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